Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I just got this book "The Ransomed Heart" by John Eldredge. It is a collection of Devotional readings from some of his most popular books. I have only read the first devotion in it, but what an awesome one it was for me as I continue to seek what God wants for my life. I know that God is calling me to something greater, but with something this big, I want a clear plan of what my life is going to become and why I am going to be going. This devotion was talking about how life is like a story. There is no pattern to it, it's not a cookie cutter, and it doesn't come at you like a math problem. Each day, a new paragraph begins when we wake up, and until we make the next move, we don't know what the next sentence is going to be. Sometimes the next sentence we know is going to be a scary one, and sometimes we know that it is going to be a happy one, but until we move, we are not going to find out what it is going to be. When we read a book, we often wonder what is going to happen at the end of the story, but we trust the author and we read all the way through the book to get to the end. The same applies in life, we all think that if we knew the end of our story, how, and when it was going to end, it would make life so much easier to live, we wouldn't regret things as much, we would get out and do today what we have planned for tomorrow. But, just like the author of the book, we have to trust the author of our life, and know that whatever the outcome is, that it is in His perfect plan!

Sometimes it is hard for us to trust God with the silent whispers that He speaks to us in our hearts, we know we hear something, but we're not quite sure what God is saying. We need to put our full focus on Him, and follow where He leads us, we are all going to make mistakes, but as a writer relies on whiteout (or the backspace key these days) the same we have to daily rely on forgiveness, and not let the past stand in the way of our future. It is proven that the hardest person to forgive is ourselves, but we must know that God forgives us, and we need to forgive ourselves, so that God continues each day to have a clean page to continue to write the chapters of our lives. Don't live today with looking for the end of the story and how it is going to end, live today as it's your last page, and God is about to sign His name at the end of your story. Take chances, if we seek God in all decisions we make there are no wrong moves. Somethings might not work out in mans eyes, but with God, He has put us in exact places at exact times. It is up to us at that point to realize the opportunities that God has put us there, and to take advantage and step outside of our comfort zone to use those opportunites, and to give our life story a purpose.

1 comment:

Meg said...

The whole story analogy is so true. I know that sometimes we want to jump ahead, when really we need to just take a small step.
See Ya Soon!