I was talking with a friend the other day, and we got into a deep conversation (I didn't like it because I am a very small thinker!) but we were talking about life, and being able to live it to the fullest. The quote "Everybody dies, but not everybody truly lives" came up. This just brought the conversation down to a whole other level. It got us both thinking about everything. We are both in our 20's and if you do the math, if the average man is supposed to live around 80 years, then we are a 1/4 of the way to death. If the next 20 years go by as fast as the past 20 years, then we'll be 40 by tomorrow (now for those of you trying to figure that one out, it's only a figure of speech) then we are half way done with our lives. NOW, that is ONLY if God allows you to take the next 60 years worth of breaths. We are not promised anything past right now! We talked about all of the things back in school that we were afraid to do, but now we are regretting not taking the chances on the simple things in life. Then it got me to thinking, how many things has God put right in front of me, and He is just asking me to take a leap and to trust Him, but I am too scared to. I'm too afraid of that thing called "failure". This brought on another good topic that I have not thought much about.
What is failure? According to man, failure is not reaching the goal that we have set. But, what is failure to God? I do believe that what man views as failure, is just God pushing us to where He wants us to be, and helping build us what He wants us to be. A lot of times it is hard to get past that we might fail at what we try to do, but if we fail, it is God's will, if we succeed it is God's will. Now, understand, we are not to just go and do whatever we want and take us failing lightly. Failure in God's will is after careful council, and much guidance from Him. Maybe it's time to take that leap of faith that we know God is calling us to, put the word FAILURE out of our minds, and just follow. Are we going to regret tomorrow the decision that we made today? Learn from yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow! If this was your last breath, what are you going to regret not saying, what are you going to regret not doing? Don't live with regrets, live life for all that it's worth. We are often blinded by the things of man, bills, houses, jobs, everything we feel tied down by, but there is so much more, if we just let go and trust, we can live a life that we never thought we possibly could. Is it going to be filled with glitz and glamour? Maybe not, but what is God going to say to you when you get to the foot of His throne? "Well done thy good and faithful servent!" or "Why did you pass this opportunity by?" Just another challenge for you, tell those that you love, "I love you!" Tell your friends "Thank you!" and don't be afraid to show the love of Jesus to everyone around you.
On a softer note, I just want to thank all of you that have continued to pray for me as I go through some big life decisions and such, your prayers have been heard, and felt! I have gotten another job offer doing some faux painting with Connie (the lady that does the painting for McGregor's Pageant set) in some huge houses! Painting is not exactly what I want my career path to lead on, but I know that it is God continuing to lay a job in my path, and who knows where it will lead, I will follow! So, I just wanted to say thank you for your prayers!! I love you all! (Even though I'm not sure who all reads this, I do love you!)
Great post! Who knew you had that many big words stuck up in the head of yours??? Love ya too buddy!
Hey Todd! This post made me think of a favorite quote I have...also on a coffee mug of mine. :-)
"What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?"
Failure can be a great learning tool, though!
On another note, I've found that God has given me my greatest blessings when I am prepared to receive them..when I've shown Him that I'm ready and able to make the most of what he wants to give me.
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