Today was a day of wonderment! I got the chance to go and worship at Ridge Church in Charlotte, NC! My heart is truly at rest here! For quite a while I have been searching for what God would want to do with my life, and I think that I have finaly found it! Today began this morning as we went to pick up some rental trucks, and then load everything from their office and then haul it all to the senior center just to unload it and set it all up. I thought that it was going to be like when we set up Germain for Easter, just tiring, and when it was over you were just ready to home, but it was just the complete opposite! The number of volunteers that came out just to help out set up was just amazing! Although, I kept feeling that I was getting in the way because all of the people knew what they were doing, and me being the new guy kept getting in the way! Then by the end, everything was torn down, loaded back up, and put back at the office in what seemed like no time! It was a lot of hard work, but it was just so refreshing to see everybody so fired about getting to spread the gospel. Everybody there was so friendly, and you could truly tell that they wanted to be there and that they were not just going through their "church routine" but that they wanted really just wanted to be there and to be fed. So many times I have found people that have grown weary with church and that they feel like they have to go just to pay off a debt to God or because that is what God has told them to do, I know that I am guilty of being one who gets burned out and just going becaus that's what "I'm supposed to do"....but being around people who are truly passionate and on fire for God was just so refreshing, and I am so thankful that I have had this opportunity to be here!
The sermon today was about Prayer....BIG PRAYER. So many times our prayers turn into emergency calls. We only look to God to fix the things that are out of our control. Emergency room prayers are not bad, we should always have our emergency prayers, but really how BIG are our prayers? When we ask for some big thing, what is the result going to do to glorify and promote God? So many things that we ask for, it's because of something that we want for ourselves, but our wants and desires should be exhaulting Him, and so many times we miss that! I don't know quite how to put into words what the sermon meant to me, but I do encourage you to go to Ridge Church website and listen to the message, it is so powerful, and each will get their own understanding to take away!
You were not in the way!! There will ALWAYS be a place or you at Ridge... a week, a month or even a year from now! We love you Todd!!Thanks for helping make Sunday such a big WIN!!
nice post brotha! it was awesome to have you here... hope to see you again soon.
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