Friday, May 23, 2008


Well, I have determined that there is just not enough time in the day!! I try to find stuff to blog about, but when I finaly have something, there is just not enough time to sit down and put it into, here's a sum up of probably the past month...

My parents made it back safely from China. They went on an Awana Vision trip with Awana Clubs International...very cool! They were even kind enough to bring me back an authentic set of chopsticks!! I was VERY excited about those....chopsticks mesmerize me, and the people that can use them without a problem are my heros! (I know, small potential in life for me!!)

Also, while they were gone, I added a new member to my family...Trigger. He is the CUTEST little guy that anyone has ever laid eyes on! When I got him from the Humane Society, he weighed a whopping 4.5 pounds! Now, after only a few weeks he has trippled his weight and weighs about 13 pounds now. The guy at the Humane Society said that he was small and the thought he would only get to be about 30-40 pounds, but now that he has been properly fed and all, his paws are starting to grow, and he is going to be a mamouth!! I guess the day before I went in, he was picked up out in Lehigh as a stray dog that someone saw on the side of the road. You could tell that he had not been taken care of as all he was was skin and bones! I felt so bad for him, that I had to take him home! So, here are some pictures of him...I'm sure I'll be posting more as he grows!

I am still waiting to post about the family pictures because I have not recieved the finals yet...soon enough.

I think that is it for the exciting things going on in my life...I have to go clean the house now as David and I are going to be watching the Indiana Jones Trilogy tonight in preparation for going to see the new one! Woot! Hope you all have a great day (I guess for whoever still reads this!)




Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Well, my family had pictures done last Friday, per my request....why? I don't know? My parents are getting ready to head over seas for China tomorrow, and well, when they told me they were going, I thought that it would be a good idea to get family pictures taken. The last time we had them taken, I was I think in Kindergarten, and it was for a church directory picture...WOW, how we all have changed!! I just have one proof now, but I will blog more about the time when I have the others, and can put pictures with stories.

Let me tell you, it was one of the most fun times that I have had in a long time! I love my family, and yes, even though they get on my nerves, I am glad that we are all still here together! We had the best time just laughing and hanging out, and poor Alison (our photographer) I thought she was going to get sick of us talking so much, but she was wonderful!! I can't wait to see how all of the others turned out, but I won't get to see that for another week or the mean time, I encourage all of you, if you don't get family pictures done, go out and do it! It is a little pricy sometimes, but the memories that you walk away with, are far more than money can ever buy!!

Luv ya'll and I'll blog to you more later!

Oh, for those of you who might not know.....

Russ (dad), Dianne (mom), Kaitlyn (brother's girlfriend), Jason, (brother) & Me

Friday, April 11, 2008


Well, since I have not blogged in about 6 weeks, I guess that it is time to fill in all of those avid readers that are just dying to know about my life right now!! (TINA!! :) )

Here's my big shout out to my two besties on their engagement....CONGRATS!!!

So, the transformed conference was AMAZING!!! Getting to hear Ray Comfort, Todd Friel, and Kirk Cameron speak...WOW!! they all have amazing books out, and I strongly encourage you to check them out with The Way of the Master. If you weren't there, you missed such an AWESOME conference!!

Let's see, what else is going on in life.....

Well, as always, I am continualy astounded at how God continues to move in my life! As he continues to change the plans of my life, I just continue to walk and follow where He wants me! As I have bragged about me getting out of Fort Myers, and moving to North Carolina, God has been laughing at me the whole time as He has shown me that I am to stay put in Fort Myers for a while. Who knows, maybe sometime down the road, I will be moving to North Carolina, but for now I am going to enjoy Florida for a little bit longer. I am in the process of trying to purchase a house (and let me tell you how fun that is when you have no job!!!) We shall see the doors that God opens up in this HUGE area of my life...I will keep you updated more on that as time goes on.

OH, I almost forgot about the most amazing thing in the world that one of my friends showed me...GEO CACHING!!!! It is so much for to do with your friends and family!! If you have never tried it, I would encourage you to... It is like a world wide scavenger hunt, and it is so much fun!!! DO IT!! (Thanks Kathy!!!)

Well, I don't know how much more I have going on in my life right now, it is pretty hum drum...I am still jobless, so if anybody out there knows of a place that is hiring, please let me know!! I NEED A JOB BADLY!!! I'm actualy begining to get bored with being unemployed....who would have ever thought?? So, I just want to thank you to all of my devoted readers that continualy check up on me to see what is new, and I must apologize for neglecting your noseiness for so long :) I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I will post hopefully Monday about a house status....I will also let you all know where I am registered for house warming gifts ;) Oh, you can all come over and help paint too!! I think that is it for now, I'm sorry it is not an in depth blog, but it is now 1:00 in the morning, and I have been going all day, so, yeah, I will get back with you all again VERY soon!! I promise!!!

Luv ya'll

Saturday, March 15, 2008


I'm getting ready to attend the Transformed conference put on by Way of the Master....there will be more information to come....

Thursday, February 28, 2008


Okay, so obviously people are reading my blog, and me being the nosey person that I am, am curious to know who is reading if ya would, just leave me a message....I just find it funny that people actualy read this!


Have an awesome weekend!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I was talking with a friend the other day, and we got into a deep conversation (I didn't like it because I am a very small thinker!) but we were talking about life, and being able to live it to the fullest. The quote "Everybody dies, but not everybody truly lives" came up. This just brought the conversation down to a whole other level. It got us both thinking about everything. We are both in our 20's and if you do the math, if the average man is supposed to live around 80 years, then we are a 1/4 of the way to death. If the next 20 years go by as fast as the past 20 years, then we'll be 40 by tomorrow (now for those of you trying to figure that one out, it's only a figure of speech) then we are half way done with our lives. NOW, that is ONLY if God allows you to take the next 60 years worth of breaths. We are not promised anything past right now! We talked about all of the things back in school that we were afraid to do, but now we are regretting not taking the chances on the simple things in life. Then it got me to thinking, how many things has God put right in front of me, and He is just asking me to take a leap and to trust Him, but I am too scared to. I'm too afraid of that thing called "failure". This brought on another good topic that I have not thought much about.

What is failure? According to man, failure is not reaching the goal that we have set. But, what is failure to God? I do believe that what man views as failure, is just God pushing us to where He wants us to be, and helping build us what He wants us to be. A lot of times it is hard to get past that we might fail at what we try to do, but if we fail, it is God's will, if we succeed it is God's will. Now, understand, we are not to just go and do whatever we want and take us failing lightly. Failure in God's will is after careful council, and much guidance from Him. Maybe it's time to take that leap of faith that we know God is calling us to, put the word FAILURE out of our minds, and just follow. Are we going to regret tomorrow the decision that we made today? Learn from yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow! If this was your last breath, what are you going to regret not saying, what are you going to regret not doing? Don't live with regrets, live life for all that it's worth. We are often blinded by the things of man, bills, houses, jobs, everything we feel tied down by, but there is so much more, if we just let go and trust, we can live a life that we never thought we possibly could. Is it going to be filled with glitz and glamour? Maybe not, but what is God going to say to you when you get to the foot of His throne? "Well done thy good and faithful servent!" or "Why did you pass this opportunity by?" Just another challenge for you, tell those that you love, "I love you!" Tell your friends "Thank you!" and don't be afraid to show the love of Jesus to everyone around you.


On a softer note, I just want to thank all of you that have continued to pray for me as I go through some big life decisions and such, your prayers have been heard, and felt! I have gotten another job offer doing some faux painting with Connie (the lady that does the painting for McGregor's Pageant set) in some huge houses! Painting is not exactly what I want my career path to lead on, but I know that it is God continuing to lay a job in my path, and who knows where it will lead, I will follow! So, I just wanted to say thank you for your prayers!! I love you all! (Even though I'm not sure who all reads this, I do love you!)

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I just got this book "The Ransomed Heart" by John Eldredge. It is a collection of Devotional readings from some of his most popular books. I have only read the first devotion in it, but what an awesome one it was for me as I continue to seek what God wants for my life. I know that God is calling me to something greater, but with something this big, I want a clear plan of what my life is going to become and why I am going to be going. This devotion was talking about how life is like a story. There is no pattern to it, it's not a cookie cutter, and it doesn't come at you like a math problem. Each day, a new paragraph begins when we wake up, and until we make the next move, we don't know what the next sentence is going to be. Sometimes the next sentence we know is going to be a scary one, and sometimes we know that it is going to be a happy one, but until we move, we are not going to find out what it is going to be. When we read a book, we often wonder what is going to happen at the end of the story, but we trust the author and we read all the way through the book to get to the end. The same applies in life, we all think that if we knew the end of our story, how, and when it was going to end, it would make life so much easier to live, we wouldn't regret things as much, we would get out and do today what we have planned for tomorrow. But, just like the author of the book, we have to trust the author of our life, and know that whatever the outcome is, that it is in His perfect plan!

Sometimes it is hard for us to trust God with the silent whispers that He speaks to us in our hearts, we know we hear something, but we're not quite sure what God is saying. We need to put our full focus on Him, and follow where He leads us, we are all going to make mistakes, but as a writer relies on whiteout (or the backspace key these days) the same we have to daily rely on forgiveness, and not let the past stand in the way of our future. It is proven that the hardest person to forgive is ourselves, but we must know that God forgives us, and we need to forgive ourselves, so that God continues each day to have a clean page to continue to write the chapters of our lives. Don't live today with looking for the end of the story and how it is going to end, live today as it's your last page, and God is about to sign His name at the end of your story. Take chances, if we seek God in all decisions we make there are no wrong moves. Somethings might not work out in mans eyes, but with God, He has put us in exact places at exact times. It is up to us at that point to realize the opportunities that God has put us there, and to take advantage and step outside of our comfort zone to use those opportunites, and to give our life story a purpose.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Well, since I have been told many times lately that I have not posted a new blog since my birthday, I figured that I would please the fans, and since I have a little bit of downtime, I will go ahead and post some updates!

Over the past few months God has been revealing so much to me through many circumstances that have happened in my life....some of them have been an awesome experience and I have loved every minute of them, while others were hard choices that I had to make or some difficult circumstances. Through it all though, I can truly say that I have taken the time to look deep into the situation and try to find what God is trying to show me, and what an awesome thing when God reveals parts of the plan that He has for my life. As I've told many of you, I have outgrown Florida. North Carolina is where my heart is, and now I am just working on the stepping process in order to be able to follow God's calling and move up there! I have been thinking about going and working at Whisper Mountain Ministries for the summer, but I new with me starting a business that it would not be possible for me to be gone that long, and honestly that kind of frustrated me knowing that I knew God wanted me there, but that I would not be able to because of work. Well, so far, I have been unemployed since Christmas, and as much as I love the unemployed life, it's hard not having any money! God has continued to provide me with odd jobs here and there to continue to meet my financial needs. My parents have been on me to get a job (and I guess I can't blame them...they can't support me forever!) but I again did not see how I was going to be able to get a job and go to WMM. I spent so much time in prayer over it, and again, God has fulfilled my need with a job that will take a few months to complete, but I am able to continue to put school first, and work around my schedule. That is one of the huge major hurdles that God has gotten me over, when I thought that there was no way it was going to happen, He had it all worked out already, and continued to open the doors! So, it look like I will still be able to go and serve at Whisper Mountain for the summer! How awesome is God with the way that He works!
I'm also into much prayer (and I welcome you to join me if you like!) over a huge transition in my life with a move to NC. I have served my time here and Florida, and God is calling me to move on and move to a new location where He has huge plans for my life so that I will be able to impact people for Him! I am looking at maybe even as soon as Christmas if everything will work out with school and all that I could be packing up and be out of here! But, I am not putting all my money into that basket as I have seen that God has a funny way of chaning my plans to fit what He has planned for me. What an awesome experience gettting to reflect back on my time, and though I did not see it at the time, being able to reflect on the ways that God has moved, and the awesome things that He has done in my life!


Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Well, I turned 21 today, and what an akward feeling it was many people say that turning another year older or "turning a milestone in life" is so devestating, and that they feel so old...well, I don't feel so old yet, and it has not been detremental to me. Yes, it has been such an awesome day spent with family & friends and I have had the best times with lunches and dinners & just being able to be a kid again...well, except for the college classes that I had this morning.

As I look back over the past 21 years of my life, I can't believe that I am at the point that I am at now. Who would have ever thought that I would have turned out to be such an awesome guy that everyone wanted to be around and that nobody could ever get enough of....ha ha, I know that's a lie. But what an awesome life I have had. I have had so manny opportunities that most people don't have in a lifetime. A lot of times I do complain that my life is boring because I don't get to do anything...ha ha, (sorry, I know all of my blogs are all look backs on my life, but that is the fun in this, right?) no, I might not to have gotten to travel all over the world on vacation, or have enough resources to do whatever I have wanted to do, neither have I really "lived life" in mans standards...I have chosen instead to serve God by volunteering in EVERYTHING at church. It gets to the point where I have lost sight of why I do the things that I do within Special Events & the Media Team, and everything else that I have gotten into, but WOW how each of them have helped shape me into who I am today. When I sit back and look at the things of life, I have never gone without what I've needed, and I've always been able to do pretty much what I wanted to. My parents have given and sacrificed so much so that they could be sure that I was where I wanted to be so that I could help out whoever it was. God has used each stage of my life to grow me and teach me so much, although a lot of the time I will admit, I don't remember half of what He has taught me, or else I remember it too late, I thank God every day for the opportunities that He has brought to me, and the roadblocks that He has put up in front of me to test my faith, but most importantly the people that He has put into my life that help me continue to climb that mountain of life, or jump that hurdle that lies in front of me...although not all of the friendships that I have had have lasted through the years, nor have all of them been wonderful, but everything that has happened to me has shaped and molded me into the person that God wants me to be.

I am at a BIG turning point in life, and I just decided to sit down and actualy think about the past 21 years, and to just think about it all I realize how blest I have been, and awesome God has been to me. I want to challenge you to just take some time out of your day, and just sit and focus on God and ask Him to show you how blessed you are. Our daily lives are so busy and we just pass by our blessings every day, and we hope that that person knows how much we love them, we hope that person knows that we appreciate what they've done for us, we hope, we hope, we hope, and yes, a lot of times most people know, but what a blessing it is to them to actualy hear that you love them, that you appreciate them. Look back and see how God has grown you, and who He has used to mold you into who you are, and make sure to realize the many blessings that you actualy have. No, all blessings are not money, are not a huge home, are not a lot of stuff, but the true blessings are the little things and the people that God has given you to help you through life, and to help guide you in the way that He has planned for you. I know it's going to be a hard challenge for me to keep, but I am going to try my best, and I challenge you to do the same thing.

Thursday, January 10, 2008


This is the worst part about Christmas! I always love putting it up and coming up with new ideas on how to decorate, but I absolutely HATE tearing it down! Today is a day filled with sadness as it is time to take down all of my Christmas stuff at my house. It will be a multiday process, and boy are those days filled with pain, and joy. Glad that the rush and frustrations of the season are over, but yet sad to see everything go away! It feels like I have only gotten to see it a couple of times, and maybe that's because that's all that I have seen it because I'm always so busy with pageant and Christmas decorating everywhere else! Oh well, another year has gone by, and it's time to start thinking about next year!

Here's a few pics from the house (3 of the 135 trees this year!) Hopefuly I'll have a website soon with whole portfolios of my work so that people can view & hopefuly I'll be able to get some business off of my interior design stuff....who knows! Hope everyone had a splendid holiday season, and now it's time to get ready for 2008 to fly by so that we can be sitting here in 350 days going "where has 2008 gone?!" Yup, it's gonna fly by just like every year, so remember to relax, take it easy, and enjoy and cherish the little moments that come your way that bring you joy!

Monday, January 7, 2008


Alrighty, so today has been filled with SO many different things....Happiness, joy, hurt, dissapointment, surprise...Today is my last day here with Rusty & least for a little bit until I move up here! It has been a sad day in so many ways...knowing that it is going to be my last day, and that I will not see them until probably Thanksgiving! I have had such an awesome time getting to hang out with them again, and getting to spend some more time with them. Being here just makes me miss them more, I really do miss them so much (and yes Tina, I do miss the kids too!) Rusty & Tina are two awesome people! For those of you who don't know're missing out on a lot! They have encouraged me in my down times, challenged me to become a better person, and just been two best friends that anyone could ask for, and I am going to miss them so much! Then there's Megan who I have had to deal with.....God bless her ministry :) No, seriously, we have had a fun time hanging out for the short time that I have been here, and I wish that I could stay longer just so that I could bug her more....but that time will come later! Today I hung out around Charlotte and just explored the town this morning while everybody was at is an awesome town! Then the family went to David Busters to have a fun night of walking around the mall, bowling and just hanging out before I have to head back home. What an awesome time!!!!

Today I have also been reminded about challenges in our lives. God does not promise that life is going to be easy, but he promises to provide all of our needs according to HIS plan....and right now it is definately a truthful test of faith. I know I have always heard people talk about trials that they have gone through, and just brushed them off and, I'm lucky to not have to go through them....and then here I am smack dab in the middle of, and realize how hard it is to see how God is going to provide what we need. Again today I am slammed in the face with the message from last night at Ridge Church about BIG PRAYER. I made one of those big prayers, and am already seeing God answer those prayers. I have made a commitment to Him, and now he has pushed me over the side of the cliff and said "Trust me!" It is not an easy thing for me to do seeing as I have no idea where my needs are going to be met, but as I look at it, what an awesome chance to be one of the people that can truthfuly say, I don't know how it is happening, but because I have put my full faith and trust in God, He is meeting my needs and supplying what I need. It could be one of the scariest things that I have to do, and I do often loose sight of it as any human being would do, but how awesome to sit and think...if I am fully trusting God, than He is going to supply what I need, no it may not be everything that I want, but He is going to supply it. So many times when we make a commitment to God, it is easy to fall off of and loose sight of our goal because Satan is right there pulling us in the opposite direction, but when you have no where to go, and no where to turn to, and it seems that you are down and out, how awesome to know that God is right there by our side saying "Reach out and take my hand, trust me and I am going to take care of you!" and how awesome to know that He is going to take care of you!

So, while we were at the mall tonight, Rusty & I found a bin of clearance cd's at the christian bookstore and one of the cd's that we found was "Space, Love, & Bull Fighting" by Havalina...I dont' know if many of you remember this group active from like 95 -05....but one of their songs was titled "Rocket Ship" I would encourage you to go and find it online for some good comic relief!

Sunday, January 6, 2008


Today was a day of wonderment! I got the chance to go and worship at Ridge Church in Charlotte, NC! My heart is truly at rest here! For quite a while I have been searching for what God would want to do with my life, and I think that I have finaly found it! Today began this morning as we went to pick up some rental trucks, and then load everything from their office and then haul it all to the senior center just to unload it and set it all up. I thought that it was going to be like when we set up Germain for Easter, just tiring, and when it was over you were just ready to home, but it was just the complete opposite! The number of volunteers that came out just to help out set up was just amazing! Although, I kept feeling that I was getting in the way because all of the people knew what they were doing, and me being the new guy kept getting in the way! Then by the end, everything was torn down, loaded back up, and put back at the office in what seemed like no time! It was a lot of hard work, but it was just so refreshing to see everybody so fired about getting to spread the gospel. Everybody there was so friendly, and you could truly tell that they wanted to be there and that they were not just going through their "church routine" but that they wanted really just wanted to be there and to be fed. So many times I have found people that have grown weary with church and that they feel like they have to go just to pay off a debt to God or because that is what God has told them to do, I know that I am guilty of being one who gets burned out and just going becaus that's what "I'm supposed to do"....but being around people who are truly passionate and on fire for God was just so refreshing, and I am so thankful that I have had this opportunity to be here!

The sermon today was about Prayer....BIG PRAYER. So many times our prayers turn into emergency calls. We only look to God to fix the things that are out of our control. Emergency room prayers are not bad, we should always have our emergency prayers, but really how BIG are our prayers? When we ask for some big thing, what is the result going to do to glorify and promote God? So many things that we ask for, it's because of something that we want for ourselves, but our wants and desires should be exhaulting Him, and so many times we miss that! I don't know quite how to put into words what the sermon meant to me, but I do encourage you to go to Ridge Church website and listen to the message, it is so powerful, and each will get their own understanding to take away!





Thursday, January 3, 2008


Well, it is now 2008, and I had thought that I would have time enough to blog everyday, but as it turns out, 2008 has not changed much from 2007! Time is still flying by faster than I can believe and it is continuing to get harder and harder to try and keep in touch with everyone that I would like to! Yesterday was filled with a nice long drive over to Charlotte NC from Robbinsville! The drive was very peaceful except for the fact that I continualy had the fact of icy roads on my mind! I had no problems though with any of the driving, and finaly got here early in the evening! I was greated by two of my favoraitest people and I was so happy to get to see them again! Rusty and Tina have realy had a huge impact on my life over the past few years that I have known them, and I am so thankful that even though they moved away that I am still able to come and visit them and spend time, even though there is never enough time for us, I am continualy reminded that it is not the long periods of time that are spent together that make the friendships that last, but instead the little moments that create who we are together that are forever engrained on our hearts that bond such awesome friends together! I have met a lot of people in my short time, and I have had many friendships that have come and gone, but there are only a few that have lasted throughout the years, and as four of those friendships have moved hundreds of miles away from me, the bond is still there, and every time I get to see them, I treasure each moment that we have! God has given each of us an aloted time here on earth. Some people will choose to lead a life that is so busy that they don't have time for friends and family. Others will lead a life where they try to provide everything that they can and to be the hero because they see a need and they want to help fulfill it, but get so caught up that friendships begin to run shallow. Yet there are some who realize that each friend that we have is a special gift that is hard to get, and even harder to loose, and they invest in the friendships and grow closer to those people. God sends us people that are going to reveal stuff to us that we did not even know about ourselves! Sometimes the good things in us are pointed out, but sometimes the bad things that are going to hurt for a while are pointed out, but each step is a growing process for us in God's grand designed planned for our lives! As I always like to be challenged, I like just as much to hand out a challenge! This year, just take the time for the family, take time for the friends, strengthen what you have, and begin to grow the seeds that God is begining to plant! If there is confusion in a friendship that is causing hurt, go figure it it realy worth loosing that person? I guess, just live the moments of life as if they are your last! Last year I was reminded very painfuly of this 2 times in only 3 months as I lost two of my very close friends, never to be able to tell them how much I appreciate them again in this life! Don't let words go unspoken, or wrinkles unironed! It may hurt now, but it is better to get the hurt out and over with than to have to live a lifetime wishing you could have, and what if.....

Okay, so after my ramblings, here are some pics from the snow of yesterday in Robbinsville!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


So, for an addendum to my earlier blog....the snow is here!!!! It just started snowing about 20 minutes ago, and already there is at least 3 inches of snow on the ground! It is 10:00pm and we all have been outside playing in the snow. It is hard to type because my fingers are numb from all of the snowballs! It is amazing, and we are all so excited to get to see it snow, and me being the Florida boy that I am, am loving it so much!! Here are a couple of pictures from our fun tonight, and there will be more tomorrow!!


Welcome Winter!!!! Today we were greeted by a freezing cold morning with the promise of snow later on that day! When the morning came the thermometer read that it was only 30 degrees! I don't believe that it ever got above 37 all day! Today we spent another day of pretty much doing nothing. We went to the camp and played with the whole diet coke & mentos experiment for a while...which that was fun, but it was WAY too cold to be able to stand it and truly have fun! Plus, with everything pretty much frozen, the experiment did not react as well as well as we thought that it would! Then we took a ride through the mountains again because it had not yet begun to snow, so we figured that we would go and track down the snow if it was not going to come and find us! We were successful of finding just a little bit of snow and a lot of ice...oh well I guess, they promise snow tonight! I'm supposed to leave for Charlotte tomorrow some time, but they say that there is a bad snow storm coming, so I might not be able to get out of here! Plus, I'm a Florida boy, and I don't think that I want to be driving on iced roads covered in snow for long distances! I had fun the one time, but it was a small patch, and I don't think that I really want to be doing that for very long! So, I hope that I still get to get out of here to go and see Rusty & Tina, but if not, I'll be thankful for the more timet that I get to spend with Steve & Brandy!